

How To Qualify For A Veterinary Practice Loan

How To Qualify For A Veterinary Practice Loan

About 42% of veterinarians are practice owners, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association. If you are considering joining this group or already are one...

Residents with Stethoscope

How Long Is Medical Residency?

Medical residency is one step in the process toward becoming a doctor. The length of a doctor’s residency training largely depends on the specialty they...

Addressing burnout in residency

Addressing Burnout Among Residents & Fellows

Burnout has long been an issue in the healthcare community, but especially for residents and fellows as they can work long hours with very little...

5 Financial Pitfalls For Doctors & How To Avoid Them

5 Financial Pitfalls For Doctors & How To Avoid Them

Financial literacy is a crucial skill for all doctors, but it can be challenging to stay on top of your finances when you’re busy with...

Physician Mortgage Loan Vs. Traditional Loan

Physician Mortgage Loan Vs. Traditional Loan

When it comes to purchasing a home, doctors face unique challenges that set them apart from the average homebuyer. Physicians often face significant student loan...

Dental Practice Transitions: What You Need To Know

Dental Practice Transitions: What You Need To Know

Dental practice transitions are complex processes that involve the transfer of ownership or management of a dental practice from one dentist to another. Whether it’s...

Medical Fellowship vs. Residency

Medical Fellowship vs. Residency: Compensation, Stress, Goals & More

Residency is an essential step in becoming a physician, but some doctors-in-training enter a fellowship after residency to get more specialized training before becoming an...

Doctors with the Best Work-Life Balance

Doctors With The Best Work-Life Balance

It’s no secret that doctors work hard. Long hours and overnight shifts could make it challenging for physicians to feel satisfied in both their professional...

The Ins and Outs of Physician Practice Loans

The Ins & Outs Of Physician Practice Loans

Physician practice loans are built to help doctors start, build or grow their practices. When preparing for practice ownership, understanding the ins and outs of...

Resident smiling

How To Get A Medical Resident Loan

Medical school is known for being expensive, but the financial strain doesn’t stop there. The transition between school and residency, and the subsequent time in...


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